Morsom Sparing
Save a little every time you use your card, pay a bill or just want to impulse save.
Save every time you use your card
Save when you pay your bills
Keep track of your savings in the Spare app
Set yourself a goal and start saving today!
You can easily set up Morsom Sparing (fun saving schemes) in the Spare app or in the online bank.
Enter a name and an image of your savings goal and set up the savings rules you want to follow – whether it’s to save when you use your card or pay a bill is entirely up to you.
If you are under 18 years of age, you must have an Intro Savings Account before you can set up Morsom Sparing (fun saving schemes).
The savings app Spare
Spare is the app that helps you keep track of your savings.
Frequently asked questions about Morsom Sparing
Our savings accounts
Savings account
No withdrawal restrictions
Fixed rate deposits
Better interest rates when you lock in your money for a set period.
Sparekonto Pluss
Get good interest when you have more than NOK 500 000. Four withdrawals free of charge
BSU home savings scheme
Save up for a home and get a tax deduction
Boligspar Ekstra
Save extra for a home, without tax deduction
Barnas Sparekonto (Children’s savings account)
Savings account for children between 0–18 years old
Morsom Sparing
Save a little every time you use the card or pay a bill
High-interest account
An overview of secure savings methods with usually higher interest rates