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Barnas Sparekonto (Children’s savings account)

Barnas Sparekonto is a flexible savings account for children aged 0-18 years.

Mother and child brushing their teeth
  • Full overview in your online bank

  • You can save as much as you want, when you want

The card must be ordered by the guardian and to complete the order you must have the birth certificate available with information about the parent.

Barnas Sparekonto (Children’s savings account)

4,25 % per year

What is Barnas Sparekonto?

With Barnas Sparekonto, you can easily get started on savings for the child from a young age. You get a favorable savings interest rate from the first NOK. You can use the savings account both for fixed savings and for money that the child receives as a gift. You can see the account in your own online bank, in DNB – the app and in the Spare app.

Barnas Sparekonto is an account that the parents have at their disposal. If you want an account that the child accesses, you can create Intro Savings account.

Savings for children

Should you save in your own name or your child’s name?

  • Read more about savings for children

The savings app Spare

Spare is the app that helps you keep track of all your savings.

Frequently asked questions about savings for children

Children from A to Å

Things you should know and things you didn’t see coming with children at home

Our savings accounts

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