Saving in an account
Saving in an account is a safe and flexible way to save.
Choose a savings account that suits you
Full overview in the Spare app
Gives you extra peace of mind
Select the account that suits you best
Start with the account that suits your savings purpose best. Save with a regular savings account, get a better interest rate by binding the money for a period of fixed-rate deposits, or save to home with a BSU or Boligspar Extra.
Savings calculator
Use the savings calculator to see how much savings money can grow.
Home savings extra for children
Savings for homes with an extra good interest rate.
How to get started with savings
It’s easier to keep track of things when your money is not sitting in the same account as the one you have a debit card for. Set up regular monthly savings and your savings takes care of themselves.
Savings for children
Would you like to secure your children’s financial situation for when they step out into adult life? Get tips for how you can save on behalf of childrenfrom small to young adults.
Deposit guarantee
Shares and mutual funds
Are you looking for information about shares and mutual funds?
Our savings accounts
Savings account
No withdrawal restrictions
Fixed rate deposits
Better interest rates when you lock in your money for a set period.
Sparekonto Pluss
Get good interest when you have more than NOK 500 000. Four withdrawals free of charge
BSU home savings scheme
Save up for a home and get a tax deduction
Boligspar Ekstra
Save extra for a home, without tax deduction
Barnas Sparekonto (Children’s savings account)
Savings account for children between 0–18 years old
Morsom Sparing
Save a little every time you use the card or pay a bill
High-interest account
An overview of secure savings methods with usually higher interest rates