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Price list savings private customers

On this page you will find information about our prices. We reserve the right to change prices on products during the period and for any errors in the price list.

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Price list savings in accounts

Savings account

Savings account

Interest rate

2,75 % per year

There are no withdrawal limits on the Savings account.

Sparekonto Pluss

Sparekonto Pluss

Interest rate on deposits up to NOK 100 000

2,75 % per year

Interest-rate deposits between NOK 100,000 and NOK 500,000 (applies to the full amount of the account)

4.00 % per year

Interest rate for the entire amount, if the deposit is between NOK 500,000 and 2 million.

4,50 % per year

Interest share of deposit over NOK 2 million

3,50 % per year

The account has four fee-free withdrawals per year in addition to last year’s interest rates. Closing the account is also considered a withdrawal. For withdrawals beyond this, a 1% withdrawal commission is charged (maximum NOK 250 per withdrawal). No withdrawal commission on standing orders to a home mortgage at DNB.

Fixed rate deposits

Fixed rate deposits

Fixed-rate deposits 3 months

From NOK 10 000 to 8 million

4,60 % per year

From NOK 8 to 20 million

4,35 % per year

Fixed-rate deposits 6 months

From NOK 10 000 to 8 million

4,45 % per year

From NOK 8 to 20 million

4,20 % per year

Fixed-rate deposits 1 year

From NOK 10 000 to 8 million

4,45 % per year

From NOK 8 to 20 million

4,20 % per year

Fixed-rate deposits 2 years

From NOK 10 000 to 8 million

3,70 % per year

From NOK 8 to 20 million

3,45 % per year

This offer may change at short notice.

In the event of a breach of the fixed rate scheme or partial withdrawal before the lock-in period expires, a withdrawal commission of one per cent is applied to the withdrawn amount.

BSU – home savings scheme for young adults

BSU home savings scheme

Interest rate

6,60 % per year

When you turn 34 years old, your BSU home savings scheme account gets the same interest rate as a normal Sparekonto (Savings account).

Boligspar Ekstra

Boligspar Ekstra

Interest rate

4,25 % per year

For partial withdrawals for purposes other than housing, a withdrawal fee of 2% of the withdrawal amount is charged. The account can be closed without a withdrawal fee.

When you turn 34 years old, your account changes to a normal Sparekonto (savings account).

Barnas Sparekonto (Children’s savings account)

Barnas Sparekonto (Children’s savings account)

Interest rate

4,25 % per year

There are no withdrawal limits on our savings accounts for children.

The account is opened in the child’s name and managed by the guardians.

Intro Savings account

Interest rate

4,25 % per year

There are no withdrawal limits on our savings accounts for children.

The account is managed by the child.

Price list mutual funds

mutual fund

mutual fund

We have reputable subscriptions and redemptions in all our mutual funds; mutual funds, combination funds, bond funds and money market funds.

The minimum subscription in the funds is from NOK 100 for one-off purchases and savings schemes.

Annual platform fee*:

  • Actively managed equity fund: 0.30 %
  • Index fund 0.10 %
  • Balanced fund 0.25%
  • Fixed-income fund 0.20 %

All of the funds have an annual management fee. You will find this in the fund’s prospectus or in the mutual fund overview

*Platform fees are for access to the trading platform for DNB and administration of the product. The size of the platform fee is determined by whether you save in an actively managed equity fund, index fund, balanced fund or fixed-income fund.

Price list pensions

Paid-up policy with investment options


Annual administrative cost


Annual management fee varies depending on the composition of the mutual fund

Pure endowment insurance

Guaranteed return account

Annual administration cost


Deposit cost


Annual management cost


Garanti Livrente (Guaranteed annuity)

Annual administration cost


Deposit cost


Annual management cost


Garanti Pensjon Spar (IPS)

Annual administration cost


Deposit cost


Annual management cost

1.30 %


Annual administration cost


Deposit cost


Annual management cost

Varies depending on the composition of the mutual fund*

A risk premium is charged for the insurance sum (1% of the insurance value) which is paid in the event of death

Link Pensjon Spar (IPS)

Annual administration cost


Deposit cost


Annual management cost

Varies depending on the composition of the mutual fund*

* Costs related to the individual fund are charged daily by fund managers and are already included in the published fund prices.

Price list investments

Investment account

Investment account

Establishment- and payment costs


Annual platform fee*:

Actively managed equity fund:

0.30 %

Index fund

0.10 %

Balanced fund


Fixed-income fund

0.20 %

No costs when buying or selling mutual funds in Norwegian currency

Brokerage fees for the equity trading service online

0.05 % minimum NOK 79

A risk premium is charged for the insurance sum (1 % of the insurance value) which is paid in the event of death

Examples of risk premium with savings balance of NOK 100 000 (sum insured NOK 1 000):

30 years:NOK 0.57

40 years: NOK 0.97

50 years: NOK 2.22

60 years: NOK 6.07

70 years: NOK 17.98

80 years: NOK 54.78

*Platform fees are for access to the trading platform for DNB and administration of the product. The size of the platform fee is determined by whether you save in an actively managed equity fund, index fund, balanced fund or fixed-income fund. Platform fees for pension profiles are calculated according to the same principle. Pension profiles with active management and proportion of equities from 80 to 100 per cent, pay the same platform fee as actively managed equity funds. Pension profiles with active management and from 20 up to 80 per cent of shares, pay the same platform fees as a balanced fund.

**Follows DNB Markets' rates at the current time

Equity trading account

Interest rate


Price list general information

Overdraft – interest rates and costs

Overdrafts on accounts are penalised and are currently charged a rate of 20% p.a. In addition, penalty interest is charged in accordance with the provisions of the Debt Collection Act (see Price list loans, Other prices for loans – Late payment/deferred payment)

Deposit guarantee

As our customer, your deposits are guaranteed up to NOK 2 million. Read more about the deposit guarantee here

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Price list other products

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