High-interest account
A high-interest account can give you a better interest rate and is a safe and easy choice for those who want to save without taking too much risk.
What is a high-interest account and is it suitable for you?
High-interest account is a savings account that gives a higher interest rate than ordinary savings accounts, while different terms and conditions are linked to the account. This can be binding time, limited number of withdrawals or savings for specific purposes.
High-interest accounts are especially suitable for those who have a short-term savings plan and want security, while you want a little more return than you would have otherwise. The risk is low, as the money is safely placed in the bank, but the return may vary depending on the interest rate conditions. See what opportunities you have to get a higher interest rate.
Home savings scheme for young adults
BSU home savings scheme is the savings method for people under the age 34 who want to save for a home. Here you get our highest interest rate, but you must be under 34 years of age and the money must be used in connection with the purchase, repayment or refurbishment of a home you own and live in.
Boligspar Ekstra
If you are under 34 years old, you can save up to NOK 300,000 in Boligspar ExtraThe money is not bound to housing until the end of the year You can create Boligspar Extra regardless of the regular BSU, but we recommend that you fill out the BSU account before you set up Boligspar Ekstra.