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Fixed-income fund

Fixed-income funds give you the opportunity to get a better return on your savings than you get in a savings account.

Woman sitting at a kitchen table looking at a computer
  • Possibility of a higher return than in a savings account

  • Choose between liquidity funds and bond funds

  • On your mobile phone you buy fixed-income funds and follow the developments in The Spare app

What is a fixed-income fund?

A fixed-income fund is a mutual fund that invests the money in fixed-income securities such as bonds and commercial papers. Investing in fixed-income securities actually means investing in loan securities. Examples of fixed-income funds are liquidity funds and bond funds.

The difference between bond funds and liquidity funds is the term of the fixed-income security that the funds buy. If the fund only owns bonds, the term can be several years. In a liquidity fund, the term is shorter, usually between three months and a year. Since the term is longer in the bond fund, you must expect slightly greater fluctuations than in a liquidity fund.

By saving in liquidity funds and bond funds, you can expect to see slightly higher returns over time than in a bank account. Bond funds normally give slightly higher returns than liquidity funds.

How much does it cost to save in fixed-income funds?

Get an overview of what it costs to save in different funds.

Pricing model for mutual funds

Learn about interest management in DNB (in Norwegian only)

Daniel Berg explains what interest management is and when it’s suitable for your savings.

Liquidity funds

Build up a savings buffer and protect yourself against unforeseen events with quick access to the money. Liquidity funds carry the lowest risk. This also means they give the lowest expected returns. Over time you can expect to get a slightly higher return than in a high-interest bank account.

  • More information about liquidity funds

Bond funds

Save money for major purchases where you don’t need immediate access to the money. Bond funds are ideal for saving in the medium term. Bond funds usually provide a slightly higher return than liquidity funds, but more fluctuations in value can be expected.

Couple running together

DNB Active Rate

This product invests in fixed-income securities. Suitable if you want a high degree of security for your savings. The fund is a good alternative to a savings account.

Fixed-income funds FAQs

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the skill of the Portfolio Manager, the mutual fund’s risk, and the management costs. Returns may be negative as a result of mark-to-market losses.

Sustainability in mutual funds and in our advice

Woman sitting on a rock

SFDR is the regulation in the EU action plan for sustainable finance. SFDR ensures that financial institutions publish their financial products’ investment strategy, investment objectives and actual investments.

Our mutual fund products

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