• Help and guidance
  • Chatbot

Vipps for business

Very, very simple payment for all companies, clubs and associations.

Mobile scanner QR code
  • Full control of sales

  • Choose a payment solution that fits your needs

  • A total of 4.5 million Norwegians have Vipps on their mobile phones.

Receive payments from anywhere

Vipps, Norway's most used payment app with over 4.5 million users, makes payments easy for:

  • Shops and online stores
  • Cafés and restaurants
  • Charitable and voluntary organizations
  • Lop ice cream and dup pong
  • Services
  • Sports clubs and associations

With Vipps, your business can receive payments in-store and online. All the customer needs in order to pay is a smartphone, an account or a payment card.

Download the app Vipps Bedrift

Full overview in your pocket Among other things, you can request money, get reports and check payments in real time.

You can easily download the app via the App Store or Google Play

VippsMobilePay Shopping Basket App teaser

More sales

The orange button signals easy payment for the customer

More loyalty

Vipps creates loyalty and allows customers to return

Recommendations from customers

Satisfied customers recommend you to others

VippsMobilePay Checkout Mobile Mock-up

Find the solutions that are right for you

Receive payment online

Did you know that more people complete their purchase when they don’t need to get their wallet out?

Receive payment over the counter

Shop. Market stall. Fundraising. The simplest service for people who meet their customers face to face.

Let your customers log in with Vipps

It’s the simplest way to log in. You only need your username and password. Activate the service now if you already have Vipps online.

Fixed payments

Let your customers pay subscriptions, donate or make other recurring purchases online with Vipps.

Vipps Checkout

The payment solution that reduces uncertainty in a critical phase of the purchase, increases the likelihood of more sales and is easy to integrate into your e-commerce site.

Receive payments, self-service

Vipps in vending machines and self-service solutions make it even easier for the customer to buy products and services. QR payments allow for contact-free vending machines.

Does your company already have Vipps?

When you’re a corporate customer, VippsPortalen lets you find all transactions, points of sale and reports in one place.

All business customers can log onto VippsPortalen to administer their customer account. Once you have access you can also add more users with different levels of access.

Vipps for businesses FAQ

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