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Mutual funds with sustainability profile

We offer several mutual funds that take special account of the environment and social conditions in their investments.

Growing plants
  • Funds that seeks to find innovative solutions to challenges related to sustainability

  • Choose a fund that focuses on the green shift, low carbon emissions or the UN’s sustainability goals

  • On your mobile phone, you buy a fund with a sustainability theme in The Spare app

You can easily buy mutual funds in the online bank using a computer or in the Spare app.

Mutual funds with a sustainability profile

A fund with a sustainability theme is a fund that can focus on climate, and exclude companies with high carbon emissions, or have a broader perspective and focus on both climate and environmental aspects.

The overarching goal of a fund with a sustainability theme is to invest in companies that are well-positioned for the green shift. In addition, some funds focus on both environmental and social issues by investing in companies that focus on one or more of the UN’s sustainability goals.

We make it easy for you to invest in the future

We believe that success in the future lies with the companies that are innovative and find smart solutions adapted to the green shift.

Your savings are invested in companies that are engaged in finding sustainable solutions, which means that you are helping to move the money into companies that are focused on sustainability.


Your investment options

Some of our fund profiles take into account sustainability in their investment decisions.

Green shift

These funds are for anyone who wants to invest in companies we think are well-positioned for the green change. The funds invest in companies that contribute to solving challenges related to the climate and the environment.

Low carbon

These funds invest in companies with low greenhouse gas emissions. The funds do not invest in companies involved in fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas.

Mutual funds with a sustainability profile

Woman in a mobile home

DNB Klima Indeks

Index fund with a focus on climate

DNB Klima Indeks is an index-following global equity fund, where the index is compiled to be in line with the Paris Agreement. The mutual fund is put together to reduce exposure to various climate risks. At the same time, it pursues opportunities that arise from the transition to a low carbon economy.

  • Read more about DNB Klima Indeks
  • Buy DNB Klima Indeks
Children playing

DNB Barnefond

Index fund with a focus on low greenhouse gas emissions

DNB Barnefond is an indexed equity fund where around 80 per cent is invested in shares which are listed on the Nordic markets. The rest is invested globally. The fund invests in companies that have low greenhouse gas emissions

Green globe

DNB Grønt Skifte (Green Shift) series

Hybrid fund with a focus on the green shift.

DNB Grønt Skifte (Green Shift) is a series of balanced funds that aims to contribute to the green shift. By investing in these funds, you can grow your savings in a fund that focuses on sustainability for people and the environment.

Rio de Janeiro Brazil

DNB Fund Brighter Future

Share mutual funds with a focus on improvements in living standards.

DNB Brighter Future is an actively managed equity fund that mainly invests in share in emerging markets, with a focus on improvements in living standards.

Ocean wave

DNB Future Waves

Equity fund with a focus on the blue economy (the ocean)

DNB Future Waves is an actively managed global equity fund that invests in companies with a focus on, among other things, the blue economy (the ocean) and quality of life. The fund uses the UN Sustainability Goals as a framework for the investments.

River in forest.

DNB Miljøinvest

Equity fund with a focus on green energy, resource efficiency and electrification

DNB Miljøinvest is an actively managed, global equity fund that invests in companies that are contributing to improving environment.

Barcode Bicycle sculptures

DNB Grønt Skifte Norge (Green Shift Norway)

Equity funds with a focus on different climate and environmental challenges

DNB Grønt Skifte Norge (Green Shift Norway) has environmental profile whose goal is to invest in companies in Norway with a low carbon intensity and which are contributing to the green shift.

Norwegian fjord

DNB Grønt Skifte Norden

Equity fund with a focus on low emissions and green opportunities

DNB Grønt Skifte Norden (Green Shift Nordic) is an actively managed equity fund that invests in companies with low greenhouse gas emissions and companies that are working on solutions for different climate and environmental challenges.

Electric car charging

DNB Global Lavkarbon

Equity fund with a focus on low greenhouse gas emissions

DNB Global Lavkarbon is a global equity fund that invests in companies that do not contribute to major greenhouse gas emissions.

The fund does not invest in companies involved in fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, or companies with high emissions.

Oslo Stock Exchange

DNB Low Carbon Credit

Bond fund with a focus on low greenhouse gas emissions

DNB Low Carbon Credit is a global bond fund with low greenhouse gas emissions and contains bonds that finance green projects. The fund does not include bonds that finance fossil fuels and does not invest in companies with high greenhouse gas emissions.

Our approach to sustainable investments

Our funds are constantly measured by how they invest, and each of them is valued according to their own investment strategies. To ensure that the investments are sustainable, they are assessed according to three criteria defined in the Public Disclosure Regulation (SFDR):

Green globe

Frequently used words and expressions

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the skill of the Portfolio Manager, the mutual fund’s risk, and the management costs. Returns may be negative as a result of mark-to-market losses.

Sustainability in mutual funds and in our advice

Woman sitting on a rock

SFDR is the regulation in the EU action plan for sustainable finance. SFDR ensures that financial institutions publish their financial products’ investment strategy, investment objectives and actual investments.

Our mutual fund products

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