The roots of DNB go as far back as the establishment of Christiania Sparebank in 1822. In 2003 the two leading financial groups in Norway - DnB and Gjensidige NOR - completed their merger and established DnB NOR whom in 2011 became DNB.
The Asset Management side in DNB dates back to the creation of Avanse in 1961. A series of mergers and acquisitions occurred over the history, one of the most important being the inclusion of Carlson and Skandia that gave the company the foundation for its international foothold.
DNB Asset Management employs today 220 people, with 77 portfolio managers located at our six offices worldwide. The group have 151 different funds in several asset classes and are continuously rewarded for its performance within Fixed income, Nordic and Energy related categories
Read more about the DNB Group at our Investor Relations pages