Savings scheme in an account
Safe and easy savings with savings scheme on savings account
Predictable return
Secure savings, covered by a deposit guarantee
Easy to set up in the online bank and mobile bank
Benefits of opening a savings scheme in an account
A savings scheme on account savings is a safe and easy choice to save money. The advantage of savings in accounts is that the return is fixed and predictable. You can choose between different types of savings accounts with different terms and rates.
Setting up new accounts does not cost anything, so you can in principle have one account per savings goal. You can set up savings scheme for regular savings accounts and high-income accounts that BSU – home savings scheme for young adultsand Sparekonto Plusswith fixed and predictable interest rates and terms and conditions.
How to create a savings scheme in a savings account
If you don’t have a savings account from before, you must first go to the menu and select “Open new account” for the desired savings account. When you know which account you want to create a savings scheme for, you can easily create a savings scheme by logging into the online bank.
- Log in to the online bank
- Everyday banking and loans in the menu
- Click “Fast assignments” under the “Pay and transfer” sub menu
- Select "New Fixed Assignment" and set up to and from accounts, amounts etc.
Fixed rate deposits usually gives the highest interest rate, but to such an account you cannot have ongoing savings savings scheme. But you only choose between periods of 3, 6, 12 and 24 months where you need to create a new agreement every time the period ends.
Test the calculator and see how much your savings can grow
See interest on different savings accounts
Get an overview of the interest rates on the various types of savings that you can use.
High-interest account
Get an overview of secure savings methods with a usually higher interest rate.