Smart Order Routing (SOR)

In the fraction of a second, SOR trawls innumerable trading venues to place your order where the shares are best priced.

User 2
  • Unique, award-winning technology integrated in our order system

  • Free for all DNB customers

  • SOR quickly earns back the brokerage fees on your order

Become a customer

All orders placed through our online equity trading service are placed using SOR.

You can save significant amounts

You might pay a little more to buy or sell shares on our website. You also get a little more in return. We’d even venture to claim that you can save significant amounts by trading with us, because you will get better average prices for the shares you want. Providers who do not offer SOR and who have access to fewer trading venues cannot compete on price in the same way.

We always trade the shares where they are most favourably priced, automatically.

The cost of securing the lowest price?

SOR is included

When you become a customer of our equity trading service, you automatically get SOR as part of the package.

See prices for equity trading in DNB here.

SOR always secures you the best price

Perhaps you are familiar with price comparison services such as “Prisjakt”? In simple terms, SOR works the same way. SOR trawls innumerable stock exchanges and other trading venues where shares are traded. Within a fraction of a second, your order is placed where the shares you want are offered at the best price. We fill in your order, often from multiple stock exchanges, so you get the lowest average price. When you sell shares, SOR works the opposite way, so the router will secure the highest possible price.

As a DNB customer, you automatically use SOR when you trade shares, on the majority of orders, at no additional cost!

SOR - simply explained

Sindre Vaseng Skaldehaug explains SOR for Levi Try. (English subtitles available)


If you only buy shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange, the likelihood is that you will pay more than you need to pay for the shares you want. (Ill: NTB)

SOR gives you access to the entire market

An increasing share of Norwegian shares are now traded outside the Oslo Stock Exchange. The statistics for trading OBX shares show that less than half of all trades are now conducted via the Oslo Stock Exchange. The rest of these Norwegian shares are traded via other trading venues: For example, Aquis, Bats, Chi-X and Turquoise. As our customer, you also have access to trade directly with us, as we are approved as a systematic internaliser on a number of equity instruments (DNB SI).

Oslo Stock Exchange

How we ensure the best execution

As a broker, we are obliged to take every necessary measure to get the best possible result when we place an order for you, or when we forward your order to others for execution (the ‘best execution’ principle). SOR helps us fulfil these obligations.


Best Broker in Norway for a decade!

Our market-leading order execution technology is one of the reasons we were voted best broker for the 10th. consecutive year in 2024. DNB were voted to be the best in all three sub-categories of the survey: Analysis, order execution (Best execution) and corporate access.

Our prices and terms and conditions

Securities trading is subject to strict rules. We’ve gathered all our terms and conditions onto one page. Here you will find our obligations as an investment firm. In addition, you’ll find information on what you, as a customer, are obliged to familiarise yourself with, and what our services cost.