Welcome to DNB NXT Innlandet on 5 September. DNB NXT is this year’s most important meeting place of the year between entrepreneurs, investors and established business communities – a place where ideas meet capital.
Speakers in Hamar
Kjetil Jansrud
Tidligere alpinist
Alpinlandslaget "Attacking Vikings" har blitt kjent som en unik kultur der sterke individualister har klart å jobbe sammen som et lag. Hvordan klarte de det?
Erlend Selmer
Founding Partner in CrowdWorks
Erlend is a Founding Partner in CrowdWorks, the platform that makes it easy to connect start-ups and growth companies with investors and set up a business life.
Jannicke Birkevold
Innovation expert at DNB
Jannicke works as an Innovation expert in Product and Innovation at DNB and works to look at new technology and future solutions.
Mathias Bakke Haugen
Innovation Norway
Together with Håkon, Mathias will share his insights on Innovation Norway’s start-up methods and skills programs.
Håkon Lauvålien
Innovation Norway
Together with Mathias, Håkon will share his insights on Innovation Norway’s start-up methods and skills programs.
Irene Høyland Berg
Start-up in DNB
Irene has been a founder for 28 years, with a background from the food industry Rema 1000, property development, shoe shops and car shops.