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DNB NXT 2022

In September, DNB NXT was launched for the seventh time during Oslo Innovation Week. The meeting place for ideas and capital was a success.

Did you miss the event? Don’t worry, here are some highlights.

Investment in diversity

Panel debate

We hear from Nora Bavey and Kimberly Larsen who share insights about why it’s smart to invest in diversity.

Nora Bavey

Nora is one of the general partners in Unconventional Ventures, and she shares their insights on why it is important to invest in entrepreneurs with different backgrounds.

Kimberly Larsen

Kimberly started the freelance network TimetoRIOT and the community SaaS IndyRIOT, which aim to build secure online communities independently of the big technology giants. She shares their funding journey.

Scale start-up

Panel debate

USA-based venture capitalist Tanya Horowitz, Attensi founder Anne Lise Waal, Inventure partner Lauri Kokkila and Viking Ventures partner Jostein Vik on how to scale globally.

Anne Lise Waal

Anne Lise has many years’ experience as a strategic technologist and has helped build the SaaS company Attensi. Here you can learn more about how Attensi scaled globally and got US investors on board.

Tanya Horowitz

Tanya has over 25 years’ experience in financial services, the last 9 as a venture capitalist, both in the US and Europe. She shares her perspective on how to become global.

See other highlights from last year

Wishful thinking? - Amir Sasson

Amir speaks frankly about entrepreneurship and innovation policy. Here he expands on what it takes to realise the green dreams and redefine growth.

Patient Capital and Sustainable Value Creation

In the panel, we meet moderator Andreas Fasting Østern, partner at Arctern Ventures, Kristin Aamodt, Managing Partner at Firda, Geir Førre and partner at Spintop Ventures, Finn Persson who talks about sustainable value creation.

Kjerstin R. Braathen

Kjerstin is the Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DNB and has vast business experience. She opened DNB NXT 2022 with some insightful reflections on what is needed to redefine growth, and how to facilitate more good ideas.

DNB Yield Live - Navigating financial uncertainty

In this episode of the podcast, “DNB Yield,” Marius Brun Haugen, has added CEO of Storskogen Norge AS, Karianne Melleby, CEO of Zaptec, Peter Bardenfleth-Hansen and portfolio manager of DNB, Audun W. Iversen.

Start-up collaboration

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