The Nordic Equities team

Kjell Morten Hjørnevik - Portfolio manager

KMHKjell Morten Hjørnevik is a portfolio manager within the Nordic Equity team since 2008. He joined the company in 1999 working as a portfolio manager in the Global Tactical Asset Allocation team. Prior to this, he was a manager at the Union Bank of Norway.
Mr. Hjørnevik holds a BA in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. He also holds an EFFAS from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.

Øyvind Fjell - Portfolio manager

OFØyvind Fjell joined DNB Asset Management's Nordic Equities team as portfolio manager in 2018. Prior to joining DNB Asset Management he has been portfolio manager in Delphi Nordic (2007-2017), Delphi Kombinasjon (2013-2017) and Skagen Vekst (2017-2018). Mr. Fjell holds an MSc in Industrial Economics from the Norwegian School of Technology (NTNU). He also has an MBA and CEFA from the Norwegian School of Economics.