The benefits of investing into absolute return funds
DNB´s absolute return funds seek to generate consistent positive returns over time with low correlation to general market conditions. The strategies combine long and short positions in order to be market neutral and to remove unintended disturbance from their portfolios. The funds derive return from security selection rather than the market movements.
DNB TMT Absolute Return invests into the global technology, media and telecom sectors. DNB ECO Absolute Return invests into the renewable energy space while DNB Norway Absolute Return seeks absolute return in the geographical area of Norway.
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DNB TMT Absolute Return tmt DNB TMT Absolute Return is a long/short equity fund investing in the global technology, media and telecom sector. The investment universe is under constant evolution in which new business models emerge while yesterday’s news gets replaced. With rapid change, the sector give ample opportunities for bets on the long side as well as on the short side. | DNB ECO Absolute Return eco DNB ECO Absolute Return is a long/short equity fund investing in the renewable energy sector. The emerging sector has a long tradition in DNB with a long only strategy dating back to 1989. The sector is volatile, giving opportunities to create absolute returns. | DNB Norway Abs. Return nor DNB Norway Absolute Return is a long/short equity fund investing in the Norwegian equity market. The investment universe is relatively small and tilted towards the energy sector, primarily oil & gas. As the country’s largest fund manager, the Norwegian equity team has a long history of giving absolute return to our clients. |
Selling Points DNB TMT
The situation in the sector:
five mega trends
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Selling Points DNB ECO
The sector pursues three
strategic aims
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