Savings scheme in a mutual fund
Create a savings scheme in the mutual fund and let savings take place automatically
Probability of better returns than on account
Easy to create in online bank and the Spare app
Risk mitigation by ensuring against the wrong purchase date
Benefits of establishing a savings scheme in a fund
A savings scheme in a fund is great for you with a long-term savings goal. The advantage of saving long-term in mutual funds is the likelihood of a better return than in an account.
The values of a fund will fluctuate more along the way, but the return on returns on average will normally be higher in a fund than in an account after 6-7 years. There are several types of mutual funds to choose from, such as fixed-income fund, equity fund or balanced fund which contains both interest rates and share.
With a savings scheme, you don’t need to worry about when it’s right to invest. You buy both when the price is high and when it is low. As a result, you usually get a good average price.
How to create a savings scheme in a fund
You can create a savings scheme in the online bank as follows:
- Log in to the online bank
- Select "Save and invest" in the menu
- then “buy a fund”
- Select a fund you want to save in, for example DNB Global Index A
- Click on the fund, select “fixed savings” and enter the amount
- Click “purchase” and then enter a deduction account and date
You can also create a savings scheme in the Spare app. If you’ve downloaded the app, you can easily set up savings scheme in mutual funds and get a good overview of the developments.
Test the calculator and see how much your savings can grow
Your mutual fund savings can grow to
After 1 years, you have deposited NOK– and earned NOK– in returns.
Mutual funds that scored six out of six
See which DNB funds have got six of Your Moneys.
The Spare app
The easiest way to buy a mutual fund is in the Spare app.
How much do women and men save on average in savings scheme in mutual funds per month in DNB?
Age | Women | Men |
20-29 years | 1475 | 2305 |
30-39 years | 2190 | 2961 |
40-49 years | 2243 | 3091 |
50-59 years | 2147 | 3103 |
The figures show the average of the sum of savings scheme transfers in mutual funds per customer, grouped by gender for january 2024. On average, women have 2.1 savings contracts, men have 2.3 savings contracts.
Frequently asked questions and savings schemes in mutual funds
NB: The value of an investment in a mutual fund goes both up and down, you may have years with absolutely fantastic returns and years with really poor returns. Nevertheless, if you save over several years, the probability of a better return than in the bank account is very high. You should therefore have peace to sit through stock market falls. If you sell after a stock market fall, you can lose money on your investment. We recommend a savings horizon of at least six years. Historical returns are no guarantee of further positive development, and how a fund develops in the future depends on the manager’s expertise, markets, prices and other conditions.