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Mutual fund changes

Here you’ll find information about changes to the mutual funds that DNB distributes.

Man sitting at a table talking on his mobile

DNB Asset Management makes changes to several Norwegian-registered and Luxembourg-registered funds.

Swing pricing on our Norwegian-registered interest rate funds is introduced on 3 June

With the exception of DNB Low Carbon Credit.

The following changes to several of our Luxembourg registered funds enter into force on 5 June:

Introduction of swing pricing for all funds

Name change for DNB Fund High Yield: The fund changes its name to DNB Fund Nordic High Yield. The investment strategy is the same.

Changes in reference indices:

  • DNB Fund Future Waves will replace MSCI World Index with a new reference index MSCI ACWI Sustainable Impact Index, which better reflects the fund’s focus on investing in line with the UN’s sustainability goals.
  • DNB Fund Nordic High Yield replaces a complex reference index (NBP Norwegian High Yield Index (Hedged) + NBP Norwegian Government Duration 1 Index NOK (Hedged) with a reference index that covers the Nordic high yield universe, NBP Nordic HY Aggregated Index.

Changes in SFDR classifications: The following funds will go from the SFDR classification article 6 to the now being regulated under SFDR article 8:

  • DNB Fund Asian Mid Cap
  • DNB Fund High Yield
  • DNB Fund India
  • DNB Fund Nordic Flexible Bonds
  • DNB Fund Nordic Small Cap

Changes in sustainability properties of selected funds:

  • DNB Brighter Future will have a goal to have at least 10% of sustainable investments in the portfolio.
  • The following funds remove the requirement that the fund should have a higher ESG score than the reference index: DNB Fund Health Care, DNB Fund Low Volatility Equities, DNB Fund Nordic Equities, DNB Fund TMT Long Short Equities and DNB Fund Technology.

Read more on dnbam.com

Invitation to election meeting at KLP

KLP is pleased to invite shareholders in the KLP funds to an election meeting on Wednesday, 24 April at 14:00 in KLP’s premises at Dronning Eufemias gate 10.


1. Opening of Manager Fond Ann-Elisabeth Tunli Moe. Election of chairman and minute keeper.

2. Review of the annual report for the KLP funds.

3. Information about the KLP funds at the Manager of Fond Ann-Elisabeth Tunli Moe and Department Manager Index-oriented Management Kristoffer Sundnes.

4. Election of a member of the Board of Directors of KLP Capital Management AS.

5. Possibly.

Power of attorney/subscription can be sent to fond@dnb.no by 17 April or done directly at KLP.

Information about temporary suspension of redemption claims in funds managed by Danske Invest Asset Management AS

We distribute five Norwegian registered funds from Danske Invest which are affected by this suspension.

The funds will be closed to trading in week 23 due to technical operational moving between two shareholder systems.

The suspension means that the net share value (NAV) will not be published and the redemption claim will not be paid during this period. The administrative part will be closed (drawing, redemption and exchange of shares) to 10 June at the latest. 12:00 a.m. This has no impact on the management of the funds.

This measure has been taken to protect you as an investor and ensure the correct liquidation and settlement of the transactions.

The following funds are affected:

  • Danske Invest Horizon 80 NO – Suspended: Closed on 3 June Number of days: 4 days
  • Danske Invest Horizon Share – Suspended: Closed on 3 June Number of days: 4 days
  • Danske Invest Norge I – Suspended: Closed on 5 June Number of days: 2 days
  • Danske Invest Norge II – Suspended: Closed on 5 June Number of days: 2 days
  • Danske Invest Norge Growth – Suspended: Closed on 5 June Number of days: 2 days

Further information can be found on Danske Invest’s own website

Mergers of BNP NT-America

We are informing shareholders that the BNP-Nath American equity fund will be merged with BNP Brazil on 7 June 2024. The funds are managed by BNP Paribas Asset Management, and the following share classes are affected:

  • Transferor: BNP Paribas Platinum America Aeq Taking over: BNP Paribas Brazil Equity
  • Transferor: BNP Paribas Platinum America Aeq P Taking over: BNP Paribas Brazil Equity P

How the merger will take effect

There is no need for shareholders to take any action in this regard. The fund will be closed to trading on Thursday, 29 May 2024. The merger will be executed and your new holdings will be visible in your fund account shortly. Any savings schemes will be transferred to the acquiring fund.

Potential tax consequences

Mergers do not entail any tax realisation, but if you choose to trade, ordinary tax rules apply. When a personal customer exchanges funds or sells shares, the transaction will trigger a tax realisation where profits are liable for tax and losses will be tax-deductible. If the holdings are in a Share Saving Account (ASK), no exchange or sale will trigger a tax liability. Taxation only occurs when withdrawing from ASK when the withdrawal value exceeds the deposited amount (sum cost price) in the ASK account. Deductions for losses within ASK only take effect when the account is closed. For corporate investors, any profit/loss may be covered by the tax exemption model.

Additional information can be found from the point of BNP Paribas’s access here

If you have any questions related to this, please contact us at the email address fond@dnb.no or by phone at 22474000.

Introduction of fluctuation pricing in several ODIN funds

The main points of the proposed Articles of Association changes:

The purpose of the Articles of Association changes is to introduce fluctuation pricing into the funds. Swing pricing is a mechanism that ensures that the shareholder who triggers the need to buy and sell securities in the fund, for example through larger subscriptions or redemptions, is also the one charged with the transaction costs. ODIN introduces fluctuation pricing to ensure that the fund’s existing shareholders are not charged the costs resulting from subscriptions and redemptions made by other shareholders.

The Financial Supervisory Authority must agree to amendments to the articles of association after the shareholders have voted for them. Thus, the articles of association changes will not take effect until after they have been approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.

ODIN The Management plan is that the proposed changes can take effect by August 2024. However, the exact time will depend on the Financial Supervisory Authority’s processing time.

Read more on Odin’s website

Changes to funds from Landkreditt

We are informing shareholders that on 24 May 2024, holdings in funds from Landkreditt will exchange share classes. Shareholders will still be invested in the same fund, but will go from a gross share class to a net share class. The change does not lead to any increase in fund costs; it is either equal or lower. The change is made automatically and savings agreements until the funds continue as before.

There is no need for shareholders to take any action in this regard.

New net share class

In the new net share class, the fund cost is divided into two payments. The cost consists of management fees for the manager of the fund, and platform fees for the distributor who offers the fund in their solutions. Platform fees are deducted quarterly from the bank account provided. Customers under the age of 18 will not be charged a platform fee and will therefore have a lower fund cost as a result of a new share class.

The fund (share class) will get a new name, new ISIN, equal or lower price, different number of shares and a new fund price. Market exposure, risk profile and market value will be the same.

The change process

The price date for a change of share class is 24 April 2024, but we would like to point out that it will no longer be possible to trade in the existing share class from Friday 19 April. New subscriptions to this fund must be carried out in the new net share class.

A change in share class does not entail any tax realisation, and no one will be out of the market during the substitution period. If you do not want a new share class, you can either exchange funds or sell your shares. Remember that a change of fund and the sale of shares can have tax consequences.

BlackRock Emerging Europe A2 split into two mutual funds

We would like to inform you that the BlackRock Emerging Europe A2 EUR (ISIN: LU0011850392) fund will be split (fissed) into two mutual funds on May 13, 2024. The fund has been closed to trading since February 28, 2022 due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The fund’s liquid assets will be split into a new fund and will be re-opened to trading. The demerger ratio is 1:1 and the new fund’s temporary name is BlackRock Emerging Europe A2 EUR (ISIN LU2719174067). The new fund will change the mandate and name on 17 June 2024 to BlackRock Emerging Markets ex. China Fund The remaining illiquid funds will remain closed to trading, as they only consist of illiquid Russian share.

What does this mean for shareholders?

There is no need for shareholders to take any action in this regard. If they wish to continue the savings agreement in the new fund, this agreement must be re-established.

Potential tax consequences

demergers do not entail any tax realisation, but if you choose to trade, ordinary tax rules apply. When a personal customer exchanges funds or sells shares, the transaction will trigger a tax realisation where profits are liable for tax and losses will be tax-deductible. If the holdings are in a Share Saving Account (ASK), no exchange or sale will trigger a tax liability. Taxation only occurs when withdrawing from ASK when the withdrawal value exceeds the deposited amount (sum cost price) in the ASK account. Deductions for losses within ASK only take effect when the account is closed. For corporate investors, any profit/loss may be covered by the tax exemption model.

Additional information from BlackRock can be found here

We liquidate the distribution of 10 equity funds

DNB wants it to be easy to choose good quality mutual funds. We therefore offer a broad and competitive range of funds within different geographical areas, industries and sectors. The selection is evaluated annually based on feedback from customers, and demand. We have now conducted an annual review of the mutual funds which are distributed by DNB, and some of these funds will no longer be available on our trading platforms.

The following mutual funds will no longer be available for trading on DNB’s trading platforms, and will be liquidated by us:

  1. Abrdn Asia Pacific Aeq A
  2. Abrdn Japanese SME Sustainable Aeq A
  3. Abrdn Japanese Sustainable Aeq A
  4. Abrdn Nathyl American Aeq A
  5. Allianz US Aeq fund WP USD
  6. The JPM Europe Strategic Value
  7. JPM US smaller companies A
  8. Norse Trend Global
  9. Schroder ISF Emerging Markets A Inc.
  10. Templeton Frontier Markets Fund

What should shareholders do?

As of 14 May 2024, the funds will no longer be available for trading on DNB’s trading platforms. We therefore request that you either redeem your shares in the above-mentioned fund or carry out a fund change to another fund that we offer. If no action takes place before 14 May, all shares in the above-mentioned funds will be automatically redeemed by us as soon as possible from the price date 21 May 2024. Final redemption amounts will be transferred to the Share savings account. If there are shares outside the share savings account, the shares will be reinvested to DNB Liquidity A. We would like to point out that current savings agreements in these funds are also closed. If a new savings agreement is desired, it must be established again in the selected fund.

Potential tax consequences

This transaction will in principle cause a taxable realisation for retail investors where profits are taxable and losses deductible. If the holdings are in a Share Saving Account (ASK), the realisation will not trigger the tax liability immediately. Taxation only occurs when withdrawing from ASK when the withdrawal value exceeds the deposited amount (sum cost price) in the ASK account. For corporate investors, any profit/loss is assumed to be covered by the tax exemption model.

Merger of Delphi Europe N

We are informing shareholders that the Delphi Europe N equity fund (NO0010817190) will be merged with Delphi Global N (NO0010817372) on 22 April 2024.

How the merger will take effect

There is no need for shareholders to take any action in this regard. The fund will be closed to trading on Monday, 15 April 2024. The merger will be carried out and the new holdings will be visible in the shareholder’s fund account shortly.

Any savings schemes will be transferred to the acquiring fund.

Potential tax consequences

Mergers do not entail any tax realisation, but if you choose to trade, ordinary tax rules apply. When a personal customer exchanges funds or sells shares, the transaction will trigger a tax realisation where profits are liable for tax and losses will be tax-deductible. If the holdings are in a Share Saving Account (ASK), no exchange or sale will trigger a tax liability. Taxation only occurs when withdrawing from ASK when the withdrawal value exceeds the deposited amount (sum cost price) in the ASK account. Deductions for losses within ASK only take effect when the account is closed. For corporate investors, any profit/loss may be covered by the tax exemption model.

Further information about the merger can be found on Storebrand’s website:


The Articles of association changes in Landkreditt Høyrente, Landkreditt Extra, Landkreditt Yield, Landkreditt Norden Norden Utbytte and Landkreditt Aksje Global were implemented on April 4, 2024.

The statutory changes mean that the Landkredittfonde introduces fluctuation pricing as a «expansion mechanism» in the funds upon subscription and redemption so that existing shareholders are not affected by shareholders who subscribe or redeem shares in the funds.

Additional information can be found on the Landkreditt’s website.

Fund changes from 2024

Mutual fund changes from 2023

Mutual fund changes from 2022

Mutual fund changes from 2021

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