Paid-up policy
A paid-up policy is saved defined-benefit pension from your current or former employer.
Free of charge
Guaranteed annual payment
Opportunities for a paid-up policy with investment options
What is a paid-up policy?
A paid-up policy is the earned pension you receive from your current or former employer when you are withdrawn from a benefit scheme. The paid-up policy has a guaranteed pension disbursement which you will find in your bank statement.
- A paid-up policy costs you nothing, as the employer has already paid the costs.
- The paid-up policy may have ancillary benefits for your retirement pension, spouse and child’s pension, as well as a disability pension.
What is a paid-up policy with investment options?
You can choose to transfer the pension in the paid-up policy to a paid-up policy with investment options. Any risk coverage will remain in the original paid-up policy.
In a paid-up policy with investment options, you choose yourself how the saved pension is to be managed. You can place the money where you think you can get the best return in relation to the risk you are willing to take. See which mutual funds you can choose from here. (In Norwegian only)
Moving to a paid-up policy with investment options is not offered to clients who have started withdrawing retirement pensions from a paid-up policy with a guaranteed return.
Why choose a paid-up policy with investment options?
Many people consider paid-up policies with investment options because they allow higher returns. An ordinary paid-up policy provides an annual guaranteed return of two to four per cent to secure disbursements as a pensioner.
Paid-up policy with investment options at DNB
If you choose a paid-up policy with investment options at DNB, you will get access to:
- A wide selection of pension profiles and competitive mutual funds
- Easy access to our pension advisors
- Good overview of your pension in the online bank and in The Spare app
- Pension and bank – everything in one place
A paid-up policy with investment options provides no guaranteed return. The fee will depend on how you want to invest the money and the current price list at DNB.
Move paid-up policy to DNB?
For people with a paid-up policy with investment options at another company.
Pension profiles and mutual funds for paid-up policy with investment options
Quarterly market report
Incapacitated for work or on long-term sick leave?
Paid-out policies with a disability pension may be entitled to disability disbursements.
- Report incapacity for work or long-term illness (in norwegian only)
Pension disbursements
Retirement pension can be paid out at the earliest from the age of 62.
- Start pension disbursements (in norwegian only)
Paid-up policies - Terms and conditions and FAQs
EU classification of mutual funds
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) came into effect in the EU on 10 March 2021. This has made it easier to compare financial products and services from a sustainability perspective, through uniform information and increased transparency.
The rules and legislation impose requirements on classifying mutual funds and include different categories depending on investment focus and how the fund is managed.
Pension profiles - Sustainability information
Saving for a pension
See how you can save for retirement
Your pension profile
See the options and choose the pension profile that suits you
Own pension account
Everyone who has a defined-contribution pension gets their own pension account
Pensjonskonto Flex
Self-selected solution for a pension account
Pension calculator
Get an overview of what your pension disbursements will be
Individual pension savings (IPS)
Tied pension savings with deferred taxes
Pension capital certificate
Gather all your pension capital certificates in one place
Paid-up policies
Read more about accrued pension benefits from former employers
Garanti Livrente
Customise your own pension
Plan your pension
Read more about how you can plan your retirement
Pension provider
The pension agreement is provided by DNB Livsforsikring AS.
Start receiving disbursements from your DNB pension
Here you can start receiving disbursements from your DNB pension. Remember that the earliest payment of your pension can start is from the age of 62.