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Are you struggling with health problems or worries? With Helselos, we can help.

Customer service staff
  • Free of charge

  • Guidelines and follow-up

  • Health team with duty of confidentiality

Ask for a conversation with Helselos

You need to log in with Bank ID, and you’ll be contacted within 3 working days

What is Helselos?

Through the company’s insurance policy at DNB, as an employee you get free access to the Helselos service.

If you have any health problems or worries, you’ll have a first conversation with a social worker who can give you professional health guidance and follow-up based on a comprehensive understanding of your situation, regardless of the reason.

Helselos collaborates with an interdisciplinary health team consisting of doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, career advisers and nurses. Together they will provide you with specialised advice on available measures and possible treatment. All follow-up is done over the phone and is confidential.

DNB explains Helselos

Explanation of Helselos in one minute. If you are struggling with problems and worries, we will help you.

What can Helselos help me with?

  • Identify your need for help
  • Dealing with stress and worry
  • Contact with therapists with the shortest possible waiting time
  • Rights and available offers at NAV
  • Municipal and Public health services
  • Lifestyle changes that can be of help
  • Clarifying expectations between you and your employer

Helselos will be delivered in partnership with Falck.

Are you a manager?

Make your employees aware of this service.

With your employees’ consent, you can contact Helselos on their behalf.

  • Contact Helselos on behalf of your employees

Helselos FAQ

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Dronning Eufemias gate 30

0191 Oslo, Norway

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PO Box 1600 - Sentrum

0021 Oslo

Org. no.


984 851 006

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