1 DNB’s determination of the exchange rate for a specific international payment order depends on several factors, including the currency types being exchanged, the amount, and when the order is registered and executed in the Bank’s payment systems. Payment orders for less than the equivalent of NOK 1,000,000 in combinations of the following currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, HKD, HUF, JPY, NZD, PLN, SEK, SGD, THB, USD, ZAR and NOK, which are received and executed in the Bank’s payment systems between 08:00 and 16:30 will be exchanged (settled) immediately upon receipt of the order in the Bank’s systems for exchange. Payment orders, in the same currencies, that are received and executed outside the aforementioned period, as well as orders in excess of the equivalent of NOK 1,000,000 will be exchanged at fixed times during the day, the first time at 09:00, the final time at 21:15. Orders in currencies not included in the above list, and which are received for exchange in the period 16:00 to 09:00 on the following business day, will be exchanged (settled) at the exchange rate set at 09:00. The Bank’s respective buy and sell rates for such orders can be found in “Daily updated foreign exchange rates” when this is published. Orders in currencies and combinations of currencies that fall under this category, and where the equivalent value of the individual payment order does not exceed NOK 500,000, will thereafter be exchanged at the exchange rates in “Daily updated foreign exchange rates” up to 16:30. Payment orders received in the same period and that exceed the equivalent of NOK 500,000 will be exchanged immediately if and when this is practical.