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DNB Property Fund Core Plus

Established to give investors the opportunity to invest in a well-diversified and leveraged commercial property portfolio. The fund focuses on investments in unlisted property funds and companies, syndicates and directly-owned properties in Norway/the Nordic Region, and up to 20 per cent in the EU/EEA.

 Commercial property AEM 5760x3240
  • Inflation-protected investment through property

  • Property portfolio with moderate risk that gives ongoing returns

  • Illiquid investments tailored to investors with a long-term savings plan

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Last quarter’s key figures

Value (VEK)

1 166,3 million Q4 2024

Returns Q4 2024:

0,74 %

Return 2024:


Number of investments:


Loan-to-value ratio:


Share of Core Plus investments:


About DNB Property Fund Core Plus

DNB Eiendomsfond Core Plus (DNB Property Fund Core Plus) (DNB ECP) was launched in 2021. The fund’s objective is to build a broad and diversified property portfolio of NOK 3 billion. The fund is reserved for DNB Bank’s Private Banking customers, and stakeholders can contact Private Banking for further assistance. DNB Real Estate Investment Management (DNB REIM) manages the fund and its great expertise and experience in commercial property greatly benefits its customers.

DNB ECP prepares a quarterly assessment of the fund’s total value-adjusted equity. The value of the fund’s properties is established on the basis of the last available reports from the underlying investments. All investments must be valued at least once a year by independent and recognised valuation companies in accordance with established market practice.

Ownership interests in the fund can therefore be classified as real estate. For more information about the property portfolio, see the latest quarterly report.


See our reports here

More about the mutual fund


The information above is not precise or complete. The above does not contain a recommendation to invest. For a full review of DNB ECP, please see the quarterly reports or the subscription invitation which will be available for certain periods.

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0191 Oslo, Norway

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