Discretionary management
We manage major operators’ funds within a defined management philosophy and risk level.
Discretionary management tailored to you
By establishing new investment mandates, the main emphasis is placed on strategic advice so that the mandate is tailored as closely as possible to your preferences in terms of risk and expected returns.
Discretionary management means there is full freedom to agree an investment mandate which is tailored to each individual. You will receive regular reports and individual monitoring that secures an overview of the portfolio’s development.
Discretionary management is a service and management agreement that we offer our very biggest customers. DNB Asset Management is given authorisation to manage their funds within clearly defined limits.
Our mutual fund products
Equity fund
An equity fund consists of at least 80% shares
Money market fund
A fixed-income fund that buys short-term fixed-income securities
Bond fund
A fixed-income fund that buys long-term fixed-income securities
DNB Scandinavian Property Fund
Invest in a well-diversified and unsecured portfolio
Mutual fund trading
Set up mutual fund trading for your business
Balanced fund
A balanced fund invests in both fixed-income securities and shares