DNB purchases goods and services worth around NOK 10 billion every year. The main purchasing categories are IT solution development and operation, marketing and consulting services, and goods and services related to properties and office equipment. Most of our suppliers are in the Nordic countries, Western Europe and North America.
DNB’s commitment to safeguard human rights and perform risk-based due diligence when working with suppliers is based on DNB’s Group policy for sustainability, and is integrated into our internal procurement guidelines. In addition, what is expected of the supplier is expressed in
DNB’s Code of Conduct for business partners, which is part of the supplier contract. All companies that supply goods and services to DNB are assessed for risk, including sustainability risk and human rights risk, in DNB’s third-party risk management system. Suppliers from industries or countries with a higher risk of human rights violations, among other things, are subjected to a more in-depth analysis. Our best chance of exerting an influence is by working with our direct suppliers. This is done in various ways, mainly through follow-up via the EcoVadis platform, dialogue on specific topics, thematic inspections (e.g. ‘see-to-it duty’) or broader on-site sustainability audits. The decision on which measures to implement is based on an assessment of risk and severity, DNB’s connection with the risk, and the type of delivery/how close to our business operations the supplier is, which is often also a factor in our ability to exert an influence.