CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER: Anders Hardangen in DNB. Foto: Stig B. Fiksdal

About the annual threat assessment

Understanding the threat landscape is critical to understanding one's own security risk.

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Publisert 31. aug 2022
Artikkelen er flere år gammel

Studying incidents and attacks makes it possible to understand how threat actors operate, and which tools and methods they use to achieve their objectives. The understanding of external drivers is instrumental to prioritising the correct security level balanced against user friendliness and efficiency. For DNB, this is an important tool for planning how to defend our assets and those of our customers. 

The situation is different this year, with a full-scale war in Europe. While the threat landscape in Europe has been relatively stable in recent years, this has changed drastically in the physical arena, with war between Russia and Ukraine. The increased tensions between our nearest neighbour, Russia, and the Western world are at an early stage and it is too soon to say how the situation will evolve. 

What is clear, however, is that in the future we must prepare for possible threats in the physical domain also closer to home. Digital threats remain high, and will be at an even higher level in an increasingly polarised world. We see digital attacks being used as a tool during conflicts, and one potential outcome is that this will increase in line with security policy tensions.  

In addition to enormous destruction and human suffering, the conflict in Ukraine will have vast economic and financial implications. In the security domain, the changed security situation for DNB has primarily changed threats in the digital arena. Developments in Ukraine and European and global security have been widely covered in the media. The chapters on digital threats and fraud look at how the new situation impacts on DNB’s threat landscape. 

DNB considers it important to protect our financial services, which are important to society. We will continue to use information about threats to understand what is happening around us and to strengthen internal knowledge to make it easier to make the right decisions. Together with our reports on observed cyberattacks and fraud, we are also making this year’s annual threat assessment public to increase awareness in society about the threats we are facing. As always, it is our objective to increase awareness of what we observe out there and the different attacks against DNB and our customers. 

I would like to repeat last year’s message that we stand together in the fight against those who seek to harm or steal from us. 

Download DNB's Annual threat assessment for 2022 here